And also known as "You have no life when..."
- You enjoy watching bowling.
- You enjoy watching curling.
- You enjoy watching lint fall.
- You start drawing lint.
- You measure every angle in your house.
- You read the dictionary/phone book/encyclopedia/yellow pages.
- You make paperclip jewlery.
- You watch Martha Stewart.
- You watch Teletubbies.
- You make sock puppets and you put on a performance for your family.
- You have a tea party and you invite all your stuffed animals except your teddy bear which you made him to sit in the corner in a little stool for being naughty(This also applies to "You know you're psychotic when...").
- You'd rather be in school.
- You make a "you know you're bored when..." list.
- You oraganise your garbage into microwavable/non-microwavable or edable/non-edable categories.
- You talk to your parents/plants/computer/self/puppet/food, etc.
- You've come to this website.
- You're still reading this.
- You try to decide which school supply you would bring with you if you were stranded on a desert island.
- You make flip books.
- You poke people for absolutely no reason. (*hint!* *hint!* Liz! =)
- You try to write with your feet(assuming you don't already know how to already).
- You write zany songs like our Pukeahontas song.
- You write one of those "choose-your-own-adventure" stories.
- You start making fashion shows for your old Barbies.
- You start watching the home shopping network.
- You start buying stuff from the home shopping network.
- You start a home shopping network fan club.
- You read the Sears catalogue.
- You start ironing your underwear.
- You start making very tiny paper cranes.
- You start making cities out of staples.
- You start taking showers before you take a shower.
- You are suddenly interested in politics(there's just something about those old politicians that just turn you on!...ewww... ^_^).
- You sell ice cold lemonade in the winter.
- You sell boiling hot chocolate in the summer.
- You start planting trees in a forest with lots of trees.
- You start selling your happy face/can-can people(uh, don't ask!)/ tree drawings door-to-door.
- You start watching those idiotic children's television shows.
- You start making your own idiotic children's television show.
- You start watching CNN.
- You start counting the kleenexes in a box just to make sure you weren't ripped-off.
- You start re-washing all your clean clothes.
- You start stalking people for no reason.
- You start stalking snails.
- You start playing board games by yourself.
- You start peeling the paint off all your pencils and repaint them.
- You start making an autobiography.
- You start redecorating your room into a disco place.
- You clean the bathroom voluntarily.
- You spin around in circles until you throw up.
- You make a toothpaste dispenser.
- You start combining all the little soaps in your house into one big soap.
- You start organizing everything in your cupboard in alphabetical order
- You start counting all the coat hangers in your house.
- You start writing letters to yourself.
- You start writing your name in 101 different ways.
- You start making chain letters.
- You make your own paper
- You break into the school just to sharpen your pencil.
- You start knitting.
- You start watching cheesy soap operas.
- You start watching a TV that's not even turned on.
- You start watching Dawson's Creek.
- You start naming all of the inanimate objects in your house.
- You start licking envelopes and consider envelope licking as a career.
- You start playing that Spice Girls game.
- You start downloading really old songs on Napster.
- You start downloading the whole new NSYNC cd on Napster.
- You've finished reading this!
The "You know You're bored When.." list is copyright of BLAH!co (Founded by Cynthia and Lisa). All rights reserved. Do not copy without prior permission from BLAH!co otherwise I will personally kick your ass. Thank you, have a nice day.